Phishing Protection
Artificial and human intelligence to identify and automatically remove malicious emails in real-time. Once a suspicious event has been detected, phishing solutions will remove the threat from all impacted end-user inboxes, thereby reducing the workload of your busy security team.
Phishing Vendors
Phishing is just one element they cover.
Founded in 2015, BlackFog is a global cybersecurity company that has pioneered on-device Anti Data Exfiltration (ADX) technology to protect organisations from threats like ransomware, spyware, malware, and phishing. Their software ensures compliance with global privacy regulations and prevents cyberattacks across all endpoints.
BlackFog’s approach focuses on preventing unauthorized data from leaving devices or networks, effectively neutralizing attacks before they can cause harm. By utilizing AI-based algorithms, they identify unusual behavior and stop data exfiltration attempts in real-time.
Exploring BlackFog’s website offers insights into their innovative cybersecurity solutions, industry recognition, and resources to enhance your organization’s data protection strategies. Their emphasis on proactive threat prevention makes them a valuable consideration for robust cybersecurity measures.