Advanced Threat Protection

Security solutions that protect your organisation from advanced cyberattacks and malware that aim to exfiltrate, corrupt, or steal sensitive data. On premise solution or a fully managed service.

Advanced Threat Protection Solutions

30% of Attacks Bypass XDR/EDR and NGAV.  Automated Moving Target Defense and Critical Threat Exposure Management come together to give you complete control of your security gaps. AMTD will prevent threats from breaching legacy or unpatched systems, while CTEM shows you where these issues are – allowing your team to move quickly in fixing the issue.

The only XDR platform that delivers Endpoint Security, Network Security, Deception, and Active Directory protection in one a single platform. With integrated network, endpoint, and cloud visibility and analysis, Fidelis XDR platform automatically maps your cyber terrain and evaluates the risk of every asset and network path. Fidelis operate where adversaries hide so you can catch the risks and threats that other extended detection and response tools miss.